The Perfect Snack

Its often a struggle to find just the right snack for those times that you are very hungry and are looking for something satisfying, healthy, and that also tastes good. Its during these times where we end up making bad choices and grabbing a sugary treat or reaching for something full of unnecessary calories. At only 150 calories per 1/2 cup, Three Farmers Roasted Chickpeas are the perfect snack food to feed that in between meal time hunger. That 1/2 cup serving contains a satisfying 8g of fibre and 7g of protein. Both fibre and protein are important elements to a nutritious snack to keep you fueled until your next meal. Fibre is good for digestion and can assist with weight loss while protein boosts metabolism and satisfies hunger. This, alongside the fact that our chickpeas are also a source of Omega 3 polyunsaturates, Iron, Magnesium; means you know you are feeding your body something that is good for you. They also provide that wonderful airy crunch that chips have, but without all the processing and artificial ingredients! A handful of Three Farmers Roasted chickpeas are great to grab after your workout, for the kids school lunch box, or to break that afternoon hunger lull at work. Its also a worry free snack as they are nut and gluten free - making them a quick and easy solution for any setting in which hunger strikes! Our chickpeas are available at retailers across Canada and online.

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